Thursday, February 12, 2004

So I'm sitting here in Angell Hall trying to work in my physics problem set. I just got out of my British Empire Lit exam and it went pretty well. I studied enough and felt that my essays were strong. I did miss one identification, though - damn those Tory and Whigg parties! I always mix them up :(

Anyhow, it feels good to be done for the week because it means that fun things are getting closer:

- skiing with my cousin is 1 day away
- Valentine's Day is 2 days away
- Spring break is 7 days away

...and on a larger scale...

- graduation is 2.5 months away! Hooray! :D

Tonight, Wanton and I are going to a benefit comedy show for USAC, University Students Against Cancer (insert obvious joke here regarding whether anyone is actually for cancer). Josh is on the board for USAC and comedy shows are always fun, so it'll be a little pre-Valentine's Day date since I'll be hitting the slopes on the 14th. I'm looking forward to it. It'll be nice to just relax - I've been seriously busy this past week. Then, I'm heading home to GR early tomorrow morning to hang out with my mom and pick up my cousin from the airport. Yay! Because we're not skiing until Saturday, we tried to brainstorm about what to do Friday night and came up with 3 ideas, all of which we're excited for. After going over our list, however, we realized that we were planning Dork Fest 2004. Here's what we came up with:

- see "LOTR" III (second time for Tanya and I, first for my cuz)
- play Cranium
- find out about the Friendster craze
- go to the bar (but this idea got thrown out early on b/c it's not dork-friendly)

Mind you, my cousin is 27 years old and in charge of people's lives...these were mostly her ideas. *sigh* I guess it just runs in my blood :) Have a great weekend!


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