Monday, March 01, 2004

Whew! I'm back from my spring break cruise to Mexico and am feeling both exhausted and refreshed right now. The cruise was a lot of fun and I ate some great food as well as soaked up some Mexican sun. It was a blast to practice my spanish in Mexico by bartering in the marketplaces and it is a well known fact how much I appreciate a good dose of sunshine, especially this time of year. Despite a little initial seasickness, I'm definitely going to miss the MS Celebration, our cruise ship - it started to feel like home after a while. *sigh* I'll write more about break later and will certainly post some pictures. However, I need to do some physics reading, unpack some clothes, and hit the hay for now - more later about the cruise :)

*Quick post-spring break contemplation*: It's time to muster up the strength to finish out the last 2 months of my undergrad strong now. It's bizarre and slightly scary to imagine myself with a degree on May 1st and I'm trying to see it optimistically as a time of "opportunity" and not anxiously as "not knowing where I'll be or what I'll be doing," which isn't always easy. For right now, I'm just trying to enjoy my life as a college student, enjoy my friends and great roommates, and savor the uniqueness of being at U of M. Sweet dreams tonight.


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