Monday, March 15, 2004's been a fun weekend and now I'm getting back in to the rhythm of the work week...only to be interrupted by a mid-week St. Patty's Day and of course, an extended three day weekend! Yay! :D

Anyhow...I had a lot of fun this weekend. My physics exam on Thursday was done at 9:30 and I was dressed to go out to the bar at 10! We had a great time celebrating AJ's birthday at Skeeps and a bunch of our friends turned out so it was a good time. Friday I literally watched TV for about 9 hours including a super cheesy love movie on ABC Family Network by myself - it was perfect (the evening, not the movie!). I rarely watch TV these days, so it was fun to relax with AJ and David and eat junk food :) Saturday my sister was in town so I had lunch with her and her boyfriend John and she took me to Target for some toiletries and other goodies I needed to buy. I worked pretty hard on my physics lab report Saturday, too, but couldn't resist a few rounds of drunk Scattergories at night after which we stayed up late telling scary stories and scaring Josh, my sister, and myself half out of our wits. See, AJ loves scary stories, movies and scaring everyone else - that girl is mean, let me tell you! Besides having to keep one eye open while I was washing my face before bed, it was a fun time. Sunday my parents came in to town for the University Honors Convocation and then took me out to dinner and to a chocolaterie on Main Street. I had a good time (and some expensive and veeeery good hot chocolate) with them and the 4 of us haven't hung out in a while so we had fun. Also yesterday, I finally checked out *Big Ten Burrito*, the new hole in the wall fast-food Mexican place that just opened this week on State St. (right next to Campus Corner) and it was awesome. The food was fast, cheap, good, and they don't charge customers any tax, which makes for even bill totals for those of you who don't like to carry change (Josh and Stephie!) - what a cute gimmick! I'm very excited for Big Ten and encourage you to be, too!

Well...that's about it. I had a packed and fun weekend and it was nice to relax a little after my exam on Thursday. I don't have a very busy week, but I am going out on Wednesday for a little while, seeing Shadi either Wednesday or Thursday (or both!), and volunteering with Stephie on a DP project in Detroit on Friday in which I'll basically be teaching elementary schoolers an Indian artform called alpana...and we all know how nervous I get in front of groups of kiddos! Wish me luck!


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