Friday, June 10, 2005

Awwwwww yeah. It's FRI day and payday to boot--I'm thrilled. And in celebration of Friday, I've picked up a new fun Friday activity to add to my blog. Some of you may remember when I answered the weekly Friday Five in my blog a little over a year ago (see archives). That site is long since gone, but I've found a new one (non-creatively named The Friday Fiver) with five fun questions to answer each and every Friday. I want to hear your answers to the questions too so email me or write comments! Here goes:

(I'm going to cheat just this once and answer last Friday's questions since the questions today are kind of weird)

1. Have any exciting summer plans? If by exciting you mean working in the lab until the end of July...then heck yeah! Actually, I'm looking forward to maybe taking some small trips out to NYC and DC to visit friends, hitting the beach, and having three luxurious weeks off before school to take a vacay with Wanton and who knows who else!

2. What's the best summer vacation you've ever taken? Summer has never been a big vacation time for me since we're blessed here in Michigan (remember that series of words...I'll never repeat it) with beautiful beaches.

3. Would we be more likely to see you lounging by a pool or out water skiing? Definitely lounging. I hurt myself pretty badly the first and only time I ever water skiied at Danielle's cottage. But rumor has it that my dad is a pretty good water skiier...are you surprised?

4. Will you be putting on a swimsuit this season? Most definitely. That reminds me that I only have 7 weeks to get my best little beach bod into shape. Yikes!

5. If you could take a summer vacation anywhere, for 3 weeks, where would you go, and why? This is actually an issue this summer because I don't want to travel anywhere that's going to be ridiculously hot in August (read: most places). I'd love to see Alaska or parts of Northern Canada (penguins! sea lions! seals!) when it's comfortable weather outside but one can be sure it's exclusively the 70 and over crowd on those cruises. I guess even if it's hot in Jamaica, the ocean is right there, mon!

Yay! That actually got me a little excited for the weekend and summer. Send me your answers too and have a wonderful fin de semana.



Blogger TKP said...

Tanya's Answers to The 'Friday Fiver': Live from Bangladesh...

1. Exciting Summer Plans: Slowly roast to death in my Dhaka apartment. Also try to finish my research and save the world.

2. Best Summer Vacation: My summers for the past seven years of my life have involved either academic research or debate camp. You decide.

3. Lounging by Pool vs. Water Skiing: Why do people "lounge" by pools? I mean, if you're not going to SWIM in it, you might as well "lounge" in the Home Depot parking lot. Am I right?

4. Swimsuit this season: If by "swimsuit" you mean "burqa," than I'm all over it.

5. If I could go anywhere this summer, it would have been Spain with my sis...tapas and clubbing todos los dios! Too bad our plans fell through. Un otro ano!

2:35 AM  

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