Friday, April 07, 2006

Diet debauchery and 26 hours of freedom

It's Friday night and I have a choice between two nerdy activities for the evening: studying the cardiovascular system or watching my space documentary. In reality, I don't have a choice but to go with the former despite my burning desire to watch the latter--we have a rather large and important cardio exam on Monday and I've got a lot of work to do. The good--scratch that, GREAT--news is that due to a scheduling snafu and kind of unreasonable expectations, we are unable to fit the final physiology module for my science class into the last week of the semester. The entire respiratory system (1 exam, 1 final) has been moved to the fall semester which means...wait for it...26 hours of lecture is cancelled next week! Yaaaaaaay! Ah-hem, I mean, I am very excited to have free time during which I plan on studying for my other finals.

In other news, I have been devouring everything in sight since I got back from spring break. That stale joke about being on a "seefood" diet is basically my life right now (I guess that joke doesn't really work when it's typed because its premise is homophones). I guess that's not wholly true; I'm actually a very healthy eater and considering I'm vegetarian and somewhat lactose-intolerant, my junk food options are pretty limited. I guess I'm just surprised to find myself going back to the Star Crunch box and greasy Thai take-out leftovers more often than that fruit bowl. Hopefully the forthcoming warm weather will get me back into a fruit frenzy; a banana split counts, right? ;)

Finally, I think I'm finally falling in love...with dentistry (what were you expecting, people?). I know this is inexcusably cheesy but I'm really starting to enjoy the clinical aspect of dentistry, the real hands-on work I'll be doing the rest of my life and that is completely obscured the first year of dental school. Don't get me wrong; I love science and having a strong background in it will only better help me treat patients systemically, not simply as a set of teeth. But the closer I get to my D2 year (yikes!) and as we begin to move into demanding lab work, the more interesting and relaxing the actual dentistry is becoming. I think this is the start of a wonderful relationship :)

Well, time to get cracking. I wrote in the last post that I would sorely regret not kicking it in high gear all week by Saturday. Um, let's just say that I hope I get a lot done tonight!



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