Thursday, June 29, 2006

Out of the frying pan. Into the fire.

If Alice Cooper could see me now, he'd probably hang his head in shame. "Fuuuuuuull tiiiime for the summa!" just doesn't sound as wicked awesome as the original lyrics. I'm back in full swing at my research lab in the dental school effective this past Monday. Unfortunately, I had an awful first day (I'll spare you the complaint-riddled details) and called both of my parents sobbing and feeling very sorry for myself. To make matters worse, I received a voice mail during that day from one of my classmates saying that a group was going canoeing and that I definitely should come and oops, she just remembered that I'm probably at work which stinks so call her later instead. W-w-waaaaaaaaaah! Thankfully, a little attitude adjustment on my part and the goofiness of my co-workers has helped to soften the blow the rest of this week. I still feel kinda miserable working 8.5 hours every day when it's sunny and wonderful outside and I'm still not recuperated from the school year. But, things could be worse and I have some fun summer plans to look forward to :)

Speaking of fun summer plans, camping this past weekend in Grand Bend, Ontario was a blast. It may be a surprise to some of you readers out there but I simply love camping; sleeping in a tent, making every meal over and smelling like the fire, and not looking at the clock all weekend is a liberating and peaceful feeling. That and the fact that we're usually pretty darn close to a beach when we camp makes it a great mini-vacay for the weekend. 9 of us went and had a very relaxing time. I'll post a few pics soon.

In other news, the big move to my new grown-up apartment is 2 weeks from Saturday. Before we can go crazy at IKEA and decorate up the wazoo, Josh and I have some tough painting decisions to make. Can you say totally trendy accent wall? That and I found these adorable real topiaries at Kroger on deep clearance for $5.99 each. I simply can't believe no one in Ann Arbor wanted those little guys. For $6, I'll make a topiary work! Ah-hem, anyhow, I'm getting very excited for that big summer project. Hopefully I can enlist a few helper bees for the moving part...a few strong helper bees...who accept pizza as payment....

At any rate, I should run and wrap up my gel electrophoresis. That's when you separate protein from cells based on their weight in kiloDaltons, Tanya. Yes, I use it in the flux capacitator. Social science people...geez!



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