Sunday, May 27, 2007

Another one bites the dust

Well, another major hurdle of dental school is now officially behind me. Josh and I both took our board exam this past Wednesday, both of us finishing at about the 6 hour mark. I think it went okay but it's hard to tell. It was neither easier nor harder than I expected but I was surprised at how much of it was about endurance. Four hours in I was cupping my chin in my hands practically nodding off with about 120 questions to go. I guess we'll find out how I did in 2 weeks when our scores get mailed. Thank you so much to all of you out there whose cards, messages, and positive thoughts kept me going. I'm lucky to have such an extensive support network!

Really, you can't imagine my relief at being done. Not even 8 hours after being granted our freedom Josh and I had gone out for ice cream, played frisbee and P-I-G at the park, taken naps, unearthed our coffee table by packing away our study material, gone out to dinner, and rented a movie. It's weird to have my life suddenly flooding back to me after 2 months of nothingness. I've been reading, watching movies, browsing the farmer's market, and shopping this holiday weekend. This evening we're attending the wedding of a high school friend to whom my sister introduced his bride-to-be in college. They've asked her to officiate thier wedding which I think is romantic and wonderfully personal. I'm looking forward to seeing some old friends that I haven't been in close touch with these past few years.

I guess that about does it. School starts again on Tuesday and I will officially be a D3. I've already been scheduling my patients for June and the calendar is starting to fill up. So begins the year that many refer to as the year-long vacation of dental school; with very few classes and a smaller patient load than D4 year, life will be good. I can't wait to hit the gym and the pool regularly :) *sigh...time really is flying.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!



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