Friday, March 23, 2007

A vague Friday Fiver

1. What do you dream about?
Boy, that's not a general question at all. Actually, I do remember my dreams a lot after I wake up. Unfortunately, I have a lot of nightmares, some of which I've been having since I was young. One recurring nightmare in particular has to do with swimming in an ocean too-full of cambrian explosion-ish creatures that keep brushing against my body. I've been having that dream for years now. Yuck.

2. Who has been mean to you lately?
I recently had two horrible experiences with the same hair dresser at the fancy dancy salon I frequent. Our first meeting kind of got off to the wrong start and he insulted my taste in salons and my previous haircut. I think he might be the most arrogant man on the planet (second only to Santino from season 2 for all you Project Runway fans). The haircut, however, was phenomenal. I figured that I was equally at fault for our bad meeting (I'd had a long day and was in a crummy mood) and decided to give him one more chance. Last Friday I saw him again, this time with bells on. What started off as a friendly appointment quickly degraded into a very uncomfortable "discussion" about whether I believe in God or not, whether or not I think truth is relative, why I'm not Christian, and whether or not I like Ann Arbor because it's "one of these liberal cities". Honestly? You're cutting my hair, man. I'd actually prefer we didn't have much conversation at all because I like to relax at the salon but if an exchange is necessary, stick to the weather, TV shows, or celebrity gossip. He seems to be the kind of person who asks your opinion so he can hear his own again (the correct one). He was way out of line and his incredible hostility while manuevering sharp objects around my head made me nervous. I'll definitely never go to him again and had to remind myself after I left that his behavior had very little to do with me than to do with him. It must be exhausting to be so belligerent.

3. What makes you tremble in fear?
Inferior alveolar nerve blocks, one of the common injections given to administer local anesthesia for dental procedures. They're not easy to hit...and so much could go wrong. Eeeeek!

4. Tell us something you've destroyed:
All chances of winning the $250 pot for our March Madness pool. My bracket bit the dust particularly early this year. You can check out my entry here...if you dare:

Men's Tournament Challenge: Son-YAwantapieceofthis?

5. Do you feel in control over your life?
Yes, though I wouldn't mind a little spontaneity or change at the moment (see previous post). Frankly, I'm getting a little bored. *yawn.



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