Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Well, look out your window because pigs might be flying - I actually went for a run today. Normally, this would be an accomplishment, but it isn't so much anymore because I've been talking about getting back in shape since September. Oh well - even though I ran half today what I normally run when I'm in shape, I ran more than I was expecting, which made me feel good. Now, the trick is sticking with it - once I've got 2 good weeks in, I'm golden.

In other news, it's Wednesday night and since I only had two classes today (done at noon) and no class on Fridays, it already feels like the week is winding down. Sweet. I mean, I'm still taking 13 credits and also studying for the DAT (starting next week - yikes!), so my slacker senior schedule isn't as impressive as some other people. However, it's a nice break for me. AND...since MLK Day is next week Monday, I have a mini 4-day vacation! However, this year, I definitely want to take part in something MLK-related organized by the MLK Symposium. The University gives us this day off for a reason and personally, I don't know as much about MLK Jr. as I'd like to or should, for that matter. Yes, it'll be tempting to go out Sunday night and lounge around Monday...very tempting..., but I'm lucky that U of M has so many interesting events planned for Monday :)

Okay, my raucous neighbors are having a snowball fight outside my window. I hate snowball fights because I've only ever been in two real ones and BOTH TIMES I got hit in the face with an ice ball. Seriously. Both times. I don't like pillow fights either because I always get a headache - speaking of which, a new student group has recently been formed at U of M with intentions of breaking the Guinness Book record for the longest and largest pillow fight on the Diag, planned for this Spring, I believe. I'll keep ya posted.'s time to do some reading, since tomorrow's my last day of class for the week. Ahhhh. Sleep tight.


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