Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Well...here I am, sitting in the Grad, taking a quick break from studying physics. The last 5 days have flown by and my first physics exam is coming up on Thursday night. Well, considering I was practically dead all weekend, I'm still making pretty good progress. No joke, I was sick as a dog from Friday until yesterday morning; luckily, I have my voice back and I'm doing better - a little congested, but better. Just imagine - me, Sonya, without a voice! Most of you wouldn't believe it even if you had seen (heard?) it :)

Anyhow, these next few weeks in general should fly by. I have a TON of work due next week: an 8-page paper, a formal lab report, an exam on Thursday, and a novel to finish by Tuesday. Then it's skiing and Valentine's Day next weekend, a few straggling exams the following week, then sunny sunny Mexico. I have, of course, been checking the weather in Cozumel every day. Needless to say, it's looking like a nice, long stretch of 85 degrees and sunny; just the way I like it.

Finally, the groundhog saw his shadow yesterday, which means a longer stinkin' winter. In a moment of brilliance on my part, the following conservation ensued with Josh yesterday:

Me: There isn't really a groundhog, is there?
Josh: Of course there is.
Me: Nuh-uh. How does he know it's February 2nd, then?
Josh: He doesn't know, he just comes out every day. We just watch him on the 2nd.
Me: Oh.

Oh well. Hehe. Have a great night :)


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