Friday, March 26, 2004

Let me shed a little tear because there are no new questions for The Friday Five this week. However, being resourceful, I decided to check out the archives and answer The Friday Five from this Friday last year. So...

(from May 23, 2003)

1. What brand of toothpaste do you use?
I am and always will be a Crest kid (even though I'm currently using a Colgate that I got at the dollar store...but I don't like it one bit). I use the Whitening Crest because Diet Coke, tea, and coffee are staining my teeth.

2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer?
When you're a college kid living in an apartment, you stop having toilet paper preferences. As long as it's 2-ply :)

3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear?
Just about anything cute. I just got a new pair of red Chuck Taylors :) I wear tons of flip-flops from Target, too.

4. What brand of soda do you drink?
Is this even a question? Diet Coke (see above).

5. What brand of gum do you chew?
Extra Polar Ice. But I like Big League Chew as a treat. Did anyone ever notice that Big League Chew is basically marketing tobacco products to children? They finally put a disclaimer on the back that says "Real Athletes chew Big League Chew." Yeah, right.

So, there it is. I love the Friday Five so needless to say my heart dropped thismuch when I saw that there weren't any questions this week. *sigh* I had a really fun day today. My mom came up to Ann Arbor around noon to hang out. We hit up the lunch buffet at Madras Masala which my mom totally killed! After lunch, we went to Caravan, my favorite store in Nickel's Arcade, and then drove to the Kensington Outlet Mall. We shopped around for a little bit and then met Josh and his sister Jamie in Brighton for dinner. It was fun and I have some goooood vegetable lo mein left over for tomorrow night. Tonight I'm going to do some work on a lab report and then try to hit the hay early...I have to be up and at 'em at 6:45 tomorrow morning for DP Day. I still have a pretty bad cough, but other than that I'm feeling great. Hopefully I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for tomorrow. TGIF.


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