Friday, June 17, 2005

Live from Ann Arbor,'s Sonya's Friday Fiver! The title of this Friday Fiver is "R-E-L-I-E-F," an acronym for the five questions. Here we go:

1. RE: your future. What lies ahead? If I would've gotten this question 7 months ago I would have burst into tears about my uncertain future. Fortunately for my sanity, I've been accepted to dental school here at the U and will be starting this August for 4 years. In the near future, I foresee a trip to the beach this weekend ;)

2. Listen: what can you hear? Blissful peace and quiet--a nice change from the TV constantly being on at my apartment. The ventilation system is quietly whirring around me. I love white noise.

3. Inner peace: Do you have it? Nope. I'd like to, though. I'm working on being less anxious.

4. Every once in a while, someone surprises you. Who did most recently? Hmmm...I rarely get surprises even though I love them. Come to think of it, I've never had a surprise birthday party or anything. *tear. I guess most recently, Josh surprised me with a bunch of tulips at the beginning of spring.

5. Friends can come and go. Who has come into your life, and who has left? I have stayed in surprisingly close touch with most of my friends from high school and have been fortunate to keep gaining new friends with each year of college. I try very hard to stay in touch with the people that I care about even though I'm not always the quickest about calling back. This year, I'm so happy that our geeky UM science friend group has grown closer: AJ, Hal, Julia, Ben, Josh, Me, and Solomon. I've had a blast with them the past 10 months :)

Wow. That Friday Fiver was borderline depressing. Well, I am happy that it's Friday and the Pistons played awesomely last night. Send me your Friday Fiver answers if you get a chance.

Enjoy the weekend.



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