Monday, May 03, 2004

Today was pretty uneventful. I wrote a few emails and cards, browsed the bookstore, and made myself dinner for the first time in a while. The one exciting event of today, however, was watching the Bermuda Triangle special on the Discovery Channel. Sheesh. That stretch of the Atlantic Ocean is creeeeeepy, let me tell you. They discussed a few of the most prominent disappearances and really put some of the theories of the Bermuda Triangle's "power" to the scientific test. One of the theories was that methane bubbles released from known sea floor vents in the suspicious areas could contribute to waves capable of capsizing and sinking ships and gas in the air that could disable plane navigational devices and engines. Hmmm. I think it's much more exciting to chalk the weirdo disappearances up to either a.) a giant and insatiable sea creature, most likely some pre-Cambrian type of squid or b.) anything very, very paranormal. Either way, a lot of the research for the show was conducted at U of M and it was so cool to see the Marine Hydrodynamics facility on TV - Go blue! :) Methane or no methane, the show was very interesting and a good way.

I'm feeling a little disoriented now that I'm graduated and still not quite sure when I start my job. I'm trying to contact all of the right people, so hopefully I'll know more about that soon. Instead of working myself in to a "rest of my life" panic like I started to today, the plan for tomorrow is to go for a run at some point, finish some emailing, start some DAT studying, and maybe make s'mores with the s'more maker I got for my birthday from the Wanstens. If you're interested in s'mores, let me know! :D Have a good night.


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