Monday, February 28, 2005

I had the perfect compromise of a weekend: a little wine, a little work, a few movies, a good run. All in all, this is the best I've felt coming out of the weekend in a while.

Friday night I decided to buy some new running shoes. Lately, I've practically been forced into wearing my loose-fitting clogs the day after running because my feet hurt so much. I convinced myself it was due to my misshapen "tweet tweet birdy feet" (I have my thoughtful older sister to thank for that insult that has stuck now for 15 years). However, the helpful staff at Lady Foot Locker delicately informed me that I was neither a 6 nor a 6.5 as I had thought but rather a whopping 7. Seven?! I'm supposed to have cute, petite feet...not average ol' 7. *sigh* Either way, my shoes fit brilliantly and it's so fun to run now that I can spread my toes out! Who would have known? After shoe shopping I had a fun, low-key night hanging out with Josh and his roommates in their basement/game room and at the Heidelberg. Good times.

Saturday I (dun, dun, duuuuuun) worked on my FAFSA and actually felt like I was in pretty good control of it. It's weird being a seasoned tax veteran now; I can honestly say that "Adjusted Gross Income" no longer intimidates me. Saturday night I watched About Schmidt (good, not great) and Annie Hall (I LOVE Woody Allen -- this film is brilliant). Sunday I spent a good amount of time cleaning the apartment from top to bottom. We're talking mopping, wood polishing...the works. I went for a solid run, did a little grocery shopping, made dinner, and watched a little bit of the Oscars. Three cheers for Million Dollar Baby, an absolutely breathtaking film. One critic wrote that it was Clint Eastwood's "autumnal masterpiece." I agree.

Well...Monday is winding down, which means only 4 more days until I leave for Florida with the Wantons. I'm really looking forward to having a break from work and a little sun. I'll let those thoughts carry me through this week. Have a good one.



Blogger TKP said...

Million Dollar Booty

I can't believe you actually liked that movie! I saw it in Bangkok with John (we had to stand up to pay 'homage' to the Thai King right after previews--weird), and thought it was cliche, over-acted, and totally Oscar-bait! I felt robbed at the Academy Awards, and I wasn't even in the running...

7:30 AM  

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