Tuesday, February 15, 2005

post-Valen-wine's Day

It's the day after Valentine's Day and although I utterly disdain the idea of a commercialized, completely fabricated "holiday" on which I'm supposed to show (read: BUY) my partner how much I truly love him (shouldn't I do this every day?), Josh and I always swap little valentines and I love you's. The surprise box of Godiva from my darling didn't hurt either but keep that one under your hat. Ah hem...at any rate, Josh and I spent a nice evening together making dinner (eggplant parmesan -- yum!) and making plans to catch a 9:20 showing of Sideways. Two and a half glasses of wine later, however, that plan was completely foiled and I ended up going to sleep at 10:30. Damn you, weekday drinking...you always seem like a great idea at the time. Well, at least it was better than Josh's suggestion of "romantically watching the Pistons game."

Speaking of weekday drinking, I could use a stiff one right now looking at the weather report for the rest of the week. This wretched rainstorm is supposed to turn into a snow storm continuing through Friday night with a significant accumulation by the weekend. Foolish me...I somehow managed to convince myself yet again that spring *might* come early this year after those 40-ish weekends we've been having. Crap. Fortunately, I'm leaving for Florida on a mini, mini vacation with Josh's family two weeks from Friday. Although I have to cut my part of the trip short due to nonsufficient vacation time funds, a little sun will definitely do me good. I'm so pale and yellow-ish, I look like a butternut squash. I can't wait.

Finally, I've volunteered to donate blood tomorrow for the Annual School of Dentistry Blood Drive. A few weeks ago, a dental school staff member's young son died from leukemia. About a month prior, I had seen posters asking dental school students, faculty, and staff to have their bone marrow tested for a match and although I seriously considered doing it, I punked out at the last second. I'm still a little nervous about donating blood tomorrow since I have low blood sugar and I've thrice before been turned away, but it's the least I can do in Nathan's memory. Here's hoping it goes well.

That's all for tonight. I'm feeling very lethargic after my heavy Mexican dinner with Tony. I think I'll do some reading and then hit the hay. Those 8:30 mornings sure feel early.



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