Monday, February 28, 2005

Monday = FUNday!

It's barely been five hours since my last post but it has been an unusually satisfying evening about which I must briefly post:

1.) I got my eyebrows done at Douglas J. Who knew a little well-timed hair removal would go such a long way in terms of my self confidence. Those of you who know me well know how much time and energy I commit to my brows but after that pre-India threading nightmare, I've shied away from my usual eyebrow maintenance zealousness. They look good, it cost $10.00, and the stylist said I have "beautiful, beautiful eyebrows." Finally, somebody noticed ;)

2.) Josh and another young and robust stranger/passerby helped push an elderly couple's stuck car out of a rut. It's certainly cliche, but it's always nice to see a little random act of kindness.

3.) I saw two firetrucks "parked" along North University and thought there must have been an accident, much to my chagrin. It wasn't until I turned right onto State Street that I saw six firefighters walking nonchalantly into Ben & Jerry's for a scoop. *swoon* Needless to say, there was a five alarm fire in my heart when I saw those sweet-toothed heroes.

Three cheers for tonight! It's very possible that Ed McMahon will show up on my doorstep later this evening with a giant check made out to me for $1 million. I'll keep you updated.



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