Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday update = mupdate?

1.) 1 major exam down after this morning. If you're currently taking, have ever taken, are considering taking, or are just plain ol' interested in drugs to treat chronic heart failure, angina, or hypertension, I am now a wealth of information. I guarantee that if we talk anytime soon, I'll ask about your heart health or cholesterol and diagnose you with something or other. Lub dub.

2.) Josh's car repair estimate = $1500. I have half a mind to march downstairs and give our suspected reckless driver a piece of my mind. Who causes $1500 dollars' worth of damage in a tiny parking lot? Honestly.

3.) Two great nerdy t-shirts I've been meaning to post about. The first I spotted in the gym and the second biology-lovin' Emily owns and commented on:

- painting of Shakespeare in sun glasses; underneath: "Rebel with applause"

- "Gregor Mendel. Giving peas a chance since 1856."

4.) Two conclusions from seeing my parents yesterday: they're the best M and D in the world and I'm a spoiled brat. My mom made a huge tupperware container of chow mein and numerous Indian dishes to help me out with cooking during finals weeks. My Dad picked up the pair of shoes that I had held in my name at a mall in Auburn Hills just because I couldn't find them here and I really liked them. And they bought me chocolate. And they kept refilling my Diet Coke and chocolate cake plate at the luncheon we went to. I'm well taken care of :)

5.) I had coffee with my dear college friends Carrie and Libby yesterday morning for not-long-enough. They were visiting from Chitown to do the Relay for Life (or more accurately, walk a lap then sit and eat a hot dog, as they said). It's always good to see them and they made me laugh. Hopefully I can make trips out to Lansing, Chicago, NY, and more soon.

6.) I need some rollerblading partners for the spring and summer. Josh, for being the athlete that he is, is surprisingly bad at "any contraption on [his] feet," as he puts it. I know the Beverley's are up for it. Any other takers?

Enjoy the beautiful day. Only 10 more days til a vacation! :)



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