Monday, July 16, 2007

Call me Ishmael.

1. Have you ever gone fishing?
Not recently but I used to back in the days when my Mom tried everything under the sun to keep us entertained during the summers. More recently, the friends I was with did some deep sea fishing during Spring Break one year at my friend Carrie's house in the Bahamas. They caught a baracuda and a mahi mahi (which I'm told by Josh made an excellent dinner and breakfast the following morning paired with a Kalik beer and eaten on a partially-submerged beach chair as the tide rolled in).

2. Do you have an aquarium?
No. Fish actually weird me out big time, especially larger ones. My friend Solomon, a.k.a. "The Fish Guy" however, has many. And some crazy, prehistoric, rare fish (fishes?) to boot.

3. Do you eat fish?
No. Some vegetarians do eat fish but I choose not to. It's a major blow to my Mom and extended family as the cuisine staple of our region in India is fish. However, I do madly crave a tuna casserole, tuna salad sandwich, or cold pasta and tuna salad weekly despite never having been a huge tuna fan before (see post from 2/04/07). Curious.

4. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
Cha, of course! And now the scene where the aquarium inhabitants give a play-by-play of that morning's root canal makes total sense to me! Do you know what a Gates-Glidden is?

5. What do you think of sushi?
Does the fact that I had cucumber avocado and asparagus rolls for lunch today answer the question?



Blogger TKP said...

Who's Ishmael? Fish meal?

12:14 PM  

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