Sunday, April 04, 2004

I thought I'd take a quick, therapeutic, weblog-writing break...I've had enough of the sciences and need to do something a little humanities-themed. I've been at the Grad studying physics for the majority of he day and am feeling a little burnt out even though I got a ridiculously late start today according to Daylight Savings Time. I guess the studying is going okay...I'm just getting tired in general of the whole natural science study requirement in that you begin studying 7 days before your exam and work at least 5 hours every day on that subject. *sigh* I know I complain now, but in a few short weeks when I'm an official U of M alum, I'll be looking back fondly upon these nuances of college life. Reeeh, maybe not. Hehe.

Yesterday was Ann Arbor's Annual Hash Bash - for those of you not familiar with this popular springtime event, Hash Bash is A-squared's infamous and unabashed (no pun intended) celebration of cannabis. All sorts of people turn out for Hash Bash every year and simply walking around campus yesterday was amusing - everyone seems so relaaaaaaxed. Even though I studied inside all day at Amer's yesterday, the prevalence of tie-dye and hemp was still duly noted. Last night we ended up going out to Rick's. Our group was AJ, David, Josh, myself, Solomon, Solomon's girlfriend Liza, and AJ's friend Lamia. Luckily, it wasn't as crowded as last Saturday and the DJ didn't play closing time music (read: Bryan Adams' Summer of '69) at 12:25 again. I think everyone had fun. We've definitely decided that we're all going to go out at LEAST once a week from now until graduation, even if we can't "afford" it (time and/or money wise). In the end, spending time together is always worth it :)

Finally, Pistons won a huge game against Indiana today, 79-61. Unfortunately, I'm here at the library and didn't get to watch, but I'm *definitely* getting pumped for the playoffs. I love this game.

Alright, back to the books. Have a great evening, even though it feels like it should be about 4 pm. Later gators.


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