Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beware the Ides of March...

It's difficult to tell whether the soothsayer in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar was actually warning the Roman emperor about his impending assasination or simply advising us Michiganders to stop expecting Spring-like weather in mid March. *sigh* Needless to say, I'm feeling a little deflated after my trip to Orlando and am having trouble getting my gears turning again.

I did have a nice time in Florida despite some kind of crumby weather. This is the first time in recent years I didn't come back from a tropical winter vacation looking like I'd spent my days cooking on a Foreman grill, but it was fun to ride some great movie rides and rollercoasters at Universal Studios. Either way, a little change of scenery from the lab is greatly welcome anytime and I'm glad I got to go.

Because I've been on quite the blog hiatus, here is a little list of observations and occurrences of late to bring you back up to speed:

1.) After what practically became a foot race at the end of last week, I have secured my current apartment for lease next year through the fall of 2006. One of my entering dental student peers will be living with me and I don't have to pay a new security deposit, move all my junk, or worry about where I'm going to live the two weeks before Ann Arbor leases start. That is a HUGE weight off my shoulders so hooray!

2.) I literally laughed out loud to myself today when I read that "wedgie" will be added to Webster's Dictionary (n.--a prank in which the victim's undershorts are jerked upward so as to become wedged between the buttocks.) Ha! Undershorts!

3.) I've been missing my family a lot lately so it was a welcome surprise to see my Dad, talk to both my Mom and sister, and doggy-sit Raja all in the span of 2 days :)

4.) AJ turned 22 last Friday, March 11th! We went lazer tagging and got punished by a bunch of cocky, pubescent boys, celebrated with drinks and cupcakes/brownies at our pad, and then hit Club Oz. It was a fun night--I'll post pics later.

5.) Josh has been craving a "homemade chicken pot pie with a flaky but not too flaky crust" lately. Even though I laughed off his request yesterday, I thought it might be a nice surprise to give the recipe a shot tonight for dinner (sans chicken, of course). The veggie pot pie turned out brilliantly and I feel pretty darn good.

6.) This coming Sunday is the Spring Equinox...or the official first day of Spring. Ha!

7.) I'm trying desperately to squeeze all of my personal enrichment into these last few months of my non-student freedom. In addition to the next level of yoga, I'm thinking about taking either a ballet, pottery, or pilates class. What do you think?

*yawn* I think I could go on for a while but I must turn in for the night. Hope you have a great Hump Day tomorrow!



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