Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Holy smokes, I've been a busy bee lately. I'm frantically trying to finish my project at work before I leave in a month, secure travel plans for July and August, and get cracking on some projects I've been meaning to get to this summer. Here are some noteworthy items of late:

1.) Cruise and D.C. tickets are booked! Josh and I will be heading to the capital city to visit AJ and Julia in two weekends. We'll also be basking in the Caribbean sun August 6-11 on our cruise to the Cayman Islands and Jamaica. I'm so excited. I'm in dire need of some time off and what better way to refresh myself before 4 arduous years of school than cruising courtesy of the federal government's loan money? I'm kidding!

2.) I made the most kick-ass vegetarian chili dogs this weekend. Granted veggie hot dogs are, in my humble opinion, the worst meat substitute on the market, I had no idea of their potential with a little veggie chili and some shredded cheese on top. The chili itself was so good that I caught Josh on two separate occasions shoveling a heaping spoonful into his face. Two bad I'm out of AA batteries: I wanted to post a pic of my mouth-watering homemade street vendor fare.

3.) One would think that a University that grosses billions of dollars a year could afford to air condition its primary recreational center. It's SO hot in the CCRB lately that I can barely even tie my running shoes without becoming dehydrated...let alone work out. Yeah, that's it...I'm not working out because it's too hot.

4.) I'm terrified of being in a shark attack. I've always been scared of deep water and now that two people were attacked in the Gulf of Mexico less than 72 hours and 100 miles apart, I'm shaking in my boots at the thought of splashing around like an injured sea lion in the shark-infested waters of the Caribbean. If it has to happen, I just hope I lose a leg, not an arm; these hands are going to be my income in 5 years!

Okay, must run...while I still have two legs. Enjoy the day! :)


*note to self: stop saying "holy smokes"


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