Thursday, July 14, 2005

Okay, I lied; I have two more quick things to say (surprise, surprise):

1.) I talked to my good pal Carrie on the phone yesterday for a while. It's been too long since we've chatted and it was good to hear about all that's going on in her post-college graduation world. We laughed about how abysmal we are at keeping in touch with each other but how neither of us are concerned that we'll ever fall out of touch. It's nice to have friends like that. We're tentatively planning a trip out to NYC again sometime this fall to visit my hottie Shadi...the third in the Friend Marathon trio and another friend I've been lackadaisical about calling lately. Thank goodness I have patient and understanding friends :)

2.) There was ANOTHER shark attack! This time it was off the coast of Galveston, Texas (where my cruise left from last year...aaaaaggghh!). It happened in waist-deep water and I'm simply terrified. My co-workers made fun of me today by saying that if I lose a hand, I could always become the first dentist to practice with my feet...thereby giving new meaning to the phrase putting one's foot in one's mouth. Ewww.

I promise that's all. Adieu.



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