Thursday, July 07, 2005

I've always associated heartburn with middle-aged bowlers after an indulgent night of chili cheese fries and beer but believe me, I was truly suffering last night from a severe case of acid reflux. Was it the balsamic vinegar-marinated portabella caps I made for dinner or the post-9pm Diet Coke I had last night that fueled the burn? Either way, I'm feeling the effects hardcore today and am popping Zantec like it's Pez. Ouch.

At any rate, I've been so busy lately that I haven't made it anywhere near a computer to post. My Fourth of July weekend was fun as is to be expected when my family gets together. I can't believe that my aunts and uncles (some of whom are seniors) seriously kicked my ass when it came to partying last weekend. It was me who turned down wine because "it gives me headaches" and again me who had to finally succumb to droopy eyes and bodily exhaustion at 3 am two nights in a hour before the rest of the clan hit the hay. On the last night, I managed to sneak into bed at 12:30 and was reprimanded--reprimanded!--the next day because I couldn't hold out any longer to chat it up and contribute to the karaoke songlist. I guess I have a long way to go before I can adequately represent the new Palit generation.

Also, the summer fun rush has begun and I'm getting so wrapped up in preparations I'm forgetting to have fun! Trying to book plane tickets, arrange meeting times, get directions, and coordinate time off of work has left me exhausted. After all that work, now I have to go camping, go to D.C., Baltimore, Cincinnati, Grand Rapids, Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Massachusetts before the summer is over! Whew! Actually, I can't wait; all of the chips are starting to fall into place and I should have some great pictures and fun stories to share over the next few weeks. Mmmm, that reminds me that I should pick up some chips for camping this weekend.

Have a great afternoon :)



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