Friday, July 22, 2005

Since I was gone last week, I'll do last week's and today's Friday Fivers for a double-dose of egotistical fun!

New Kids on the Block--7/15/05

1. Are you more comfortable being the new kid or the experienced one? Definitely the experienced one. I stayed in the Kentwood Public School system from kindergarten through high school graduation and was pretty scared of moving. This fall, I'm looking forward to being one of the entering D1's familiar with the city and the school here. I've already made a few friends from my incoming class by offering my help with housing/banking decisions and directions.

2. When is the last time you were the new kid? I haven't been the new kid for about 14 months since I started my job last May. Fortunately, I'm outgoing (but surprisingly shy, too) so that helps me adjust a little.

3. If we met face to face, right now, what would my first impression be of you? I've been told by new acquaintances all the time that I'm "bubbly" and I hope you'd like my bangs ;)

4. Who is the last person you said goodbye to? I said goodbye to Josh last night since we'll both be out of town this weekend. We parted ways so that I could pack and he could read Harry Potter into the wee hours of the morning.

5. Joey, Jordan, Donnie, Danny or Jon? Jordan. He just had the right stuff.

Pet Connection--7/22/05

1. Are you a dog or cat person? Always a dog person, though there is still some suspicion that Raja is actually a finnicky cat in a dog suit. Also, I've been begging Josh to get me a kitty and to get himself some allergy shots. Ain't gonna happen.

2. How many pets do you have? One, his highness Raja Palit.

3. What’s the best thing about your pets? Raja is the spunkiest, most unique dog I've ever met. He loves Indian food but then drags his ears along the carpet after dinner because it's too spicy for him. He falls asleep cuddling his Blue Bear and has the sweetest, most genuine pet personality I've ever seen. There isn't a better dog/cat-in-a-dog-suit around.

4. What’s the weirdest thing your pet has done? I think the whole "scoochy butt" behavior where he drags his behind around on the carpet using his front paws while sitting up. John once referred to it as Raja using our entire house as his personal toilet paper.

5. Plans for any more pets? Not in the near future. My apartment has a no pets policy (but I could sneak a kitty!) and it wouldn't be humane of me anyway to keep a pet when I know I don't have the time or resources for it. I'd like more dogs when I get my own place and I plan to name a big one Oso, Spanish for bear. The rest will have cool Latin names.

There ya have it. Two Fridays' worth of fun. Enjoy the weekend! :)



Blogger TKP said...

Why are you so cute? Hey, I just noticed that I took that picture you are using for your Blogger profile. We were in India on New Year's eve eating at Flury's in Calcutta, right?

10:11 AM  

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