Tuesday, July 26, 2005

This little traveler is finally back in Ann Arbor to finish out her last week of work. That's right--July has flown by and has been packed with fun trips and good friends. Suddenly, everyone at work is fighting over which of my reagents they can have after I leave in a few days, not unlike the scene in Cinderella where Anastacia and Druscilla rip their respective pieces from their stepsister's gown right before the ball. *sigh* I must admit that a little part of me is sad to leave my friends at work and I'm trying to rehearse my "thank you's" and "I'll definitely visit's" so that I don't turn on the waterworks like I always do when I leave a job.

At any rate, I had a fun time in Cincinnati with my EK girlfriends this past weekend (pictures are coming next week once I can use my home computer). The trip consisted of a little shopping, a lot of gabbing, some fabulous raspberry chip ice cream, and a lot of immature potty humor provided by my friend Christin and yours truly. Cinci was a lot younger and cooler than I thought it would be and we got to see my friend Melody's adorable house and new Prius! I want that little jellybean-shaped hybrid SO much...it's even cooler inside than I thought. Not to mention that whole "helping the Earth" thing couldn't hurt, either. My birthday is coming up ;) Anyhow, I digress.

I think that's it for now. TKP is back in the States and will be visiting me in Ann Arbor this evening along with my parents and will be staying until we head back to GR at the end of the week. I'm looking forward to the weeks of recuperation, relaxation, and home cooking ahead.




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