Thursday, July 28, 2005

This week I've spent a considerable amount of time compiling a list of important information/tid-bits for the new employee who is tackling my project after I leave. I've left her instructions on most of my experimental procedures and parameters, described the locations of some of my more elusive samples, and even bequeathed her my most cherised reagents. I realized today that I've been feeling heavy-hearted writing it because of its similarity to a living will--something I never thought I'd be writing when I was 22! I'm glad at least that my project is falling into capable hands. My supervisor is taking all of us out to lunch tomorrow for my last day and she made a point of saying that she'd "rather not celebrate Sonya's departure." It's good to be loved :)

Also, Tanya has been staying with me in Ann Arbor since Tuesday evening. It's been wonderful spending time with her and I'm now realizing how much I've missed our oddball sense of humor that, for the most part, no one else shares. My Dad pointed out that that we had only spoken in unintelligible half-sentences since the moment they showed up at my apartment--it's obvious we're trying to cram 10 months' worth of updates into a few days. I'm glad she's here and that I now have my lovingly-laugh-at-my-parents'-idiosyncracies-partner-in-crime back.

Finally, both Carrie and Shadi will be swinging through Ann Arbor tomorrow evening and I'm planning on catching dinner with them. I can't wait! I haven't seen Shads since last fall and we've both been so busy that phone-chatting has taken a back burner. Three cheers for another Friend Marathon reunion :)

That's all for now. Expect the Friday Fiver tomorrow and probably a humiliating story or two about how I choked up saying good-bye to my coworkers...even though I'll be in the same building as them for the next four years.



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