Friday, April 14, 2006


And now for my favorite, weekly, self-indulgent post (because keeping a weblog all about me isn't enough)...The Friday Fiver!:

1. Have you ever ridden a camel?
No, but when I do I'd like to ride the kind that have two humps so that I could fit comfortably in between. Wait a those even really exist? (okay, just Googled it and they do. Hooray!)

2. When you are outside, what does the horizon look like?
Michigan has to have the flattest terrain in the world. The horizon here is your standard flat-sky-meeting-flat-grass deal.

3. Who is the last person to leave you a message?
My sister left me a message telling me the wonderful news that she received department funding to do her M.A. research in Calcutta this summer (congrats, T!) and my mom left a heartfelt apology message from the airport for forgetting to send me Easter candy this year. Not that we celebrate Easter really, she just likes to spoil me (and my teeth) rotten.

4. How many hours did you sleep last night?
A whopping 7 hours (see previous post regarding no IMS this week)! I feel ready to rock!

5. Chocolate: take it or leave it?
Shaaaa, hello?! Take it and run like a bat out of hell.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm sure that's what the camel was thinking, too. you can see it in his eyes.


5:45 PM  
Blogger Bride said...

I saw camels in the middle east this january and you can get a little 'carriage' put on the humps and ride around like a queen! I would post the picture on here, but I don't know if thats possible!

When I saw the camel, the desi in me freaked out, and I started taking picture after picture. The arabs around me thought I was crazy. When I was in India, all the arabs went crazy over elephants, which I thought was lame. Ahh, the joys of different cultures. :)

Camels are SO cute! But they smell SO bad! :)

12:29 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I'm answering these late, but forgive me, I'm just now catching up on my blog-reading.

1. Yes, I rode a camel once at "Ella's Deli" in Madison. I think I was 8. I was terrified the entire time.

2. The horizon in Marquette County is flat...corn fields...soybeans...some trees...more corn fields...

3. Masud left a message on my cell phone. I had given him a grocery list that consisted of 4 things...and he called because he couldn't remember what they were. Ever heard of a pencil?

4. Seven-and-a-half. My minimum requirement for a coherent day is 9, but it hasn't been working out that way lately.

5. A day without chocolate is like a stifled yawn.

11:51 AM  

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