I've been seriously weblog negligent these last few days. I guess a lot has been going on; a lot of fun and not enough studying, that is. *Cue that stream-of-conciousness in list form*
1.) I'm having a tough time studying. No more excuses, I'm just being lazy now. Wake up, Sonya! The DAT is on July 12 and could seriously strengthen (or hurt...gasp!) my application.
2.) After a busy, busy day at work Friday, Wanton made me a wonderful tofu stir fry dinner. Then, we went back to my apartment and made s'mores and played Clue with Sheila, AJ, and David. I'll miss those kinds of days after this summer :)
3.) I slipped in some mud early Saturday morning and bit it hard on the sidewalk, my right knee and cell phone breaking my fall. Ouch. Now I have a super sore and scabby knee and scratched up cell phone caked with mud. Luckily, I didn't get cut too badly because I had cropped pants on that covered my knee and my phone *somehow* didn't snap in half. And I don't think anyone saw. Phew.
4.) Shrek 2 rocked my world. Seriously. I laughed so hard in the theater that I embarrassed myself and even though I will always be a Disney/Pixar loyalist, I have to hand it to DreamWorks this time. However, it struck me as a little too Finding Nemo-esque that the next DreamWorks movie is set in the ocean as well. Boo.
5.) Pistons lost game 1 of the Eastern Conference Finals against Indiana on Saturday. It's okay, though...we just have to steal one on the road and then I think Pistons can take it in 6. Fingers crossed.
6.) We went out to Charley's Saturday night to celebrate John C.'s 23rd birthday. I literally couldn't recall the last time I'd gone out to the bar. I'll have to keep an eye on that disturbing trend and make sure that it doesn't happen again *wink*
7.) I spent 2 hours in the grocery store yesterday by myself so that I wouldn't feel rushed. I *finally* got a chance to plan meals that were affordable, healthy, and herbivore-friendly. Although I won't spend 2 hours every time, I'm now cooking up some good meal ideas. Get it?...cooking up...?
8.) I love doing laundry at laundromats.
9.) Heading to Minneapolis this Saturday for Michelle's wedding. My flight leaves early Saturday morning and returns on Sunday afternoon. I hope I don't cry - I think I will. I'm so happy for her and Jason.
10.) I'm meeting with my physics professor tomorrow who has agreed to write me a letter of rec. I've basically completed my AADSAS (online universal application for dental school) and other things are starting to fall in to place. Going back to #1, I just have to get myself pumped for the DAT.
Well, that's it for now. Tonight I have to study, eat dinner, work on my personal statement, and study some more. Meh. At least I get to take the bus home! :) Have a fabulous night.