Friday, April 30, 2004

Good morning!'s the day before graduation and my classes and finals are all over, so I'm literally sitting here trying to figure out what I'm going to do with myself today - what a bizarre feeling to not have any obligations! I like it :D I'm definitely starting to get a little sentimental about graduation now because I think the reality of people moving away has begun to set in. I'm both excited and slightly nervous for a whole new chapter of my life and I hope that I get to stay in touch with my U of M friends as much as I'd like to. I know it's hard when you're so young to jet-set to a million different cities to visit your friends, but hopefully my year off from school will provide for a little vacation time :)

This afternoon is the Department of English's pre-Commencement reception at which I plan on filling myself with free snacks and hearing the famous Ralph Williams speak about the grandeur and promise of life at this age. It will be a nice way to cap off my English career here at good ol' U of M. I might have to find someone to dogsit for a few hours while I'm gone because my puppy Raja is here for a few days! Here's a pic of him sleeping in my bed this morning:

Awww...he's getting so old but at least he still looks like a puppy. I guess that's about it for now. No Friday Five this week...hopefully it will be back in full swing by May. Have a wonderful day and look for graduation pictures soon! Adieu.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Today my big sis turns 23 years old! :D

Happy Birthday, Tanya!

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Whew. Today has been a wild ride, let me tell you that. I woke up this morning with the most excruciating cramps of my life (seriously, I'm not exaggerating) and feeling sick to my stomach. Even though I woke up early to study for my exam at four, I could barely sit up at my desk long enough to do anything productive, so I just ended up writhing in pain on my bed until 1 pm. Josh, being the prince that he is, ran to the store and (much to his embarassment) purchased the necessary medicine for me and sat with me until I was feeling thismuch better. I yanked myself out of bed in order to get some truly last-minute cramming in before my test at 1, which went well.

However, despite a rough start today, things turned out well as I got my grade back from my physics final and am very pleased. I finally feel as though my hard work is reflected in my final grade :) After that, I went out for Qdoba with Josh, ate too quickly, felt really sick, and then had to take a nap. Yuck. Today has been a series of ups and down. At least it ended on a high note with a visit from my hottie Shadi, who I haven't seen in way too long. Now it's super late and I have to get up early to get my graduation tickets tomorrow morning with AJ. Goodnight, my friends.

Sunday, April 25, 2004

So it's Sunday morning (is it morning still?) and I've done everything imaginable so far to avoid starting my work again, including dinking around on my computer. I'm trying to figure out how to upload the pictures onto my computer from Josh's digital camera he so graciously lent me indefinitely. Now, this would be an easy task for some, but it takes some time for techno-illiterate schmucks like me. Anyhow, I thought I'd post some pictures from Michelle and Sara's joint wedding shower in Grand Rapids yesterday. It was so fun to see my girlfriends from high school, some of who I don't see regularly anymore, and everyone seemed so grown up. As Michelle and Sara are both getting married this summer, I'm so excited for both of them to start their new lives. Congrats, girls! :)

Group picture (back L to R): Laura, Theresa, Paige, Lindsey, Michelle, Shea, Mina Sara (front L to R): Me, Christin, Erin

Erin and Mina

The Brides-to-Be, Sara and Michelle!

Yay for cute friends and for big life changes :D Enjoy the day!

*Quote of the day*

(in reference to my reading Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Books for my British Empire Lit class)

Josh: So the reading is coming okay then?
Me: Yeah, it's just that some of the chapters are really long and kind of non-applicable.
Josh: So you need a sort of summary on those chapters?
Me: Yeah.
Josh: Like, the bear necessities?

Friday, April 23, 2004

As a study break since it's only 1:30 pm and I've already been awake for 6.5 hours today, here's the Friday Five. Enjoy!

From April 25, 2003 Archives

1. What was the last TV show you watched?

I watched "I Want a Famous Face" with AJ and Sheila because it happened to be on and we happened to be in the living room. "Reality TV" and particularly shows that glamorize plastic surgery (especially to young people) as a means by which one can overcome their personal insecurities make me feel sick and sad. Personally, I don't want my friends or my 18 year old daughter to think they/she can gain confidence with silicone.

2. What was the last thing you complained about?

This question is like a cake walk for me. Just ask my family, Josh, or my roommates. Hmmm...perhaps my huge physics final tonight, my job ambiguity, my canker sores, being tired, not having a car...? Oy, I need to stop complaining so much.

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?

Although I'd like to think I complimented someone in the last 8 days, I'm drawing a blank. However, at my emotionally charged last bi-weekly meeting last Thursday, we do an activity where we write something special about every other woman on the crisis line and how they have impacted us and put them in an envelope for them to take home. I complimented a lot of people that night because that group of women amazes me.

4. What was the last thing you threw away?

Starbursts and food wrappers at Amer's while I was studying this morning.

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? - my only link to the outside world.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

*A few quick thoughts on today (and then back to work!)*

1.) Chalk another one up:





Today marks my official last day of class as a U of M undergraduate student. It wasn't as ceremonious as I thought it would be, especially since I forgot my last class was my last class until after it was over. Too much physics on the brain. Nevertheless, upon reflection, it's a bizarre feeling to know that I will never again experience the 10-minutes-past-the-hour that is Michigan time and that I probably won't be setting foot in 1800 Chem anytime soon. *sigh* I'll miss this place.

2.) I bought my cap and gown today. Despite the fact that I'm totally appalled that we don't wear blue for graduation, it doesn't look too shabby - I mean, who looks good in a mortar board? I definitely wore it (tassel included) for a significant portion of the day while Josh drove me places - got a few strange looks, some smiles. Graduation is next Saturday (yikes!) and I definitely want to figure out what I'll be wearing so that I won't be that girl with a relatively low-cut and short dress that makes her look naked under her gown.

3.) Tomorrow is Earth Day so do something Earth friendly! Here's a list of ideas! :)

4.) Annual U of M Naked Mile the past few years: dangerous and void of the true spirit of the Naked Mile of yesteryear. Surprise U of M Naked Mile last night: awesome.

5.) Physics final Friday night 7:30-9:30 pm. Wish me luck. And pray for me. Hard.

6.) It's serious wedding and wedding shower time for good friends from high school now. Yay for seeing my EK girls this weekend! :D

That's about it. Sweet dreams tonight.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

I must rant:

I have had the most frustrating experiences trying to get research this year so far. I was "hired" as a research assistant by some oral surgery resident before Thanksgiving and only heard from him a month at a time after that. We haven't started any of our research yet, he's horrible at getting back to both me and the other undergrad "working" with him, and the application for the study is still being processed. I understand that he can't really expedite that process, but why would you hire research assitants 4 and a half months before you even scratched the surface of your research without openly giving them that timeline? Because I think both of us (me and the other kid, Seth) were under the impression that the study would be conducted this current semester, what happens when we both graduate next Saturday? What if we had to leave Ann Arbor? Aarrggh!

Furthermore, attaining my elusive research position at the Cancer Center (read: the JOB with benefits that I've been counting on after graduation) hasn't exactly been a picnic either. The professor I'm working with, although brilliant, is completely scatter-brained and her tone is just downright mean sometimes :( Perhaps I misunderstood her email that said: "I've spoken with [administrative coordinator] about hiring you for the position. Are you still interested?", but 4 weeks after confirming this and also turning in my U of M paperwork, I've heard nothing. So yet again, the ball is in my court to check up on the status of my application - I don't think it's a coincidence that 4 weeks go by without a peep from either of them, yet the day after I send an email regarding my application, the ball starts rolling. Upon whose desk has my application been gathering dust this past month? Raaaar!

I'm tearing my hair out here because although mostly inadvertantly, my experience has shown that professors and other researchers don't realize how inconsiderate they are by not getting back to you and how important this work is to you as a person seeking reasearch, whether or not they see you as a disposable research assistant. I know I need these positions a lot more than they need me specifically, but I really do feel as though I've done everything right here. I'm still unclear about my salary, when I start, my hours, etc. for the cancer research and that ambiguity naturally makes me start to doubt whether or not I have the job. I have to reread that email over and over to make sure that there isn't a lot of room for misinterpretation. However, what professors don't understand (or perhaps they do) is that by non-chalantly committing to involve me in their project, I assume it's going to be a go - I haven't been looking for jobs because I (rightly, in my opinion) assumed this one was in the bag. Although I don't have much reason to doubt that beyond my own anxieties, perhaps I should start updating my CV. Rar.

Monday, April 19, 2004

I'm about to hit the hay, but I just thought I'd do a quick weekend re-cap:

Late Friday night, my sister came into town and stayed until this evening. It was nice to hang out with her a little bit and she came with me to the Take Back the Night rally last night as well as sat basking in the sun with me this doing work, of course, and she was a good sport. We stayed up laughing until about 4 on Friday night, both of wiping our eyes constantly from cry-laughing :) I studied all day yesterday and then after visiting Steph quickly to wish her a belated happy 22nd birthday, went to the TBTN rally and then saw the Groove, U of M's Stomp-like percussion group, performance with Tony. I thought they were awesome and hilarious - I definitely cried laughing 3 or 4 times - and their percussion was cool. I wish they would have started a few years ago when I was entering rather than leaving the U! Anyways, I enjoyed the beautiful weather all day today and finally went grocery shopping to pick up the snacks and brain food that I'll need this week to study study study. I guess that's about it. My last undergrad class at the University of Michigan will be at 11 am this Wednesday...maybe we can convince my Brit Lit GSI to hold class at Dominick's. *wink, wink*

p.s. ~ Mom, I bought a veggie tray and cantaloupe. Healthy food = brain food! :D

Friday, April 16, 2004

Friday Five in the hizzouse!

1. What was the first band you saw in concert?
Smashing Pumpkins with Christin, Shea, and Kim VanderWeert shortly after the Van Andel Arena opened in downtown Grand Rapids. I was seriously grunge in middle school. I'm not kidding.

2. Who is your favorite artist/band now?
I don't really have a favorite, now or ever, because my music taste is so ecclectic. However, I will timelessly love Pink Floyd, Elvis, and Madonna. Among hundreds of others. Sheesh, forgive my indecisiveness...I'm a libra.

3. What's your favorite song?
"Time" by Pink Floyd. The title of my weblog, "You Are Young And Life Is Long" are actually lyrics from the song. It is definitely one of the best songs ever written so listen to it. Right now.

4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
Piano or harp.

5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why?
Elvis. He started rock n' roll single-handedly (single-pelvisly?) and by today's standards, he STILL rocks. And he's adorable.

That was fun! :) Today I ran a billion errands that were on my to-do list and subsequently got to enjoy the sunshine. I was unfortunately cooped up in Angell Hall working on my paper for a few hours this afternoon, which I renamed Kiln Hall because, I kid it you not, it was about 500 degrees in there today. I actually started getting a headache from the heat! Anyhow, the plan for tonight is more paper writing and then some reading. Yee Haw. Hope you have a more exciting night!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Stephanie!

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Well, I certainly have a lot to say today, so perhaps list form would work best. Here we go:

1.) Mad props are in order to my good pal Christin whose comment on my last post literally made me laugh out loud at the Grad library and draw a few suspicious glances. Her reference to "Super Undergarment Woman" was, trust me, brilliant and timely and though I'm bound to an ancient 7th grade vow of secrecy as to its meaning, it was a beautiful reference, nonetheless. I'm looking forward to seeing my Kentwood friends again soon! :) For old times' sake, below is a picture of Christin and I rocking air guitars on New Years Eve 1999-2000; one of our finer photographs together, if i do say so myself:

*note a skinnier, more muscular me back in the day. sigh*

2.) Tonight was my physics lab final. I think it went well, though I feel completely disinclined to say that about any science-related exam I take at U of M. Unfortunately, I've been burned too many times on exams that I "felt" like I did well on, so I'll just wait and see how my results turn out. Here's hoping for the best. (psst: I already threw my lab manual, my lab notebook, and all of my notes away!) :D

3.) Tonight was also my last bi-weekly meeting for the SAPAC Crisis Line. Now, many of you from U of M probably know what's going on with the fragmentation of SAPAC services (not to mention enormous cuts to student affairs programs!) and here's me telling you that this is an absolute travesty to the University community. For numerous reasons, I am deeply saddened and disappointed in this uninformed, politically-driven decision and it makes my leaving the Crisis Line even more difficult knowing that this program won't be here in the fall for other women to experience. I'm trying not to be negative anymore and to just reflect back upon my own experiences and recognize the ways in which I've truly grown as a result of this organization over the past three years. Never before have I been in close contact with such a unique and inspiring group of people, let alone women, to whom I have felt so close for the little time I spend with them. In addition to working toward ending sexualized violence, I have been deeply touched by every volunteer I've worked with over the past threee years and will miss them and the Crisis Line immensely. I had a lot of trouble not being emotional tonight...hell, I burst into tears just like every one else...and will certainly carry these experiences and memories with me for the rest of my life.

4.) Big work to do this weekend. Physics final next Friday, 8-page paper to finish, and 4 novels to read by a week from Monday...yikes! It's that time of the year...which leads me to...

5.) The Big G in 16 days. Wow. AJ and I were talking today about how weird/scary/sad it is to graduate and, unlike high school, not have a common place to return to and visit your old friends after it's all over. AJ actually said that she was getting "irritable" just thinking about all of the implications of graduating. Although I'm looking forward to all of the big and exciting changes for me in the next few years, I'm feeling very sad about leaving good friends here (I know I've said this a million times). *sigh*

I guess that's about it for now. I'm sure I have more to say, but I'm sleepy my eyes keep closing unintentionally. I'm going to bed waaaaay early tonight and having a productive day tomorrow. I wish the same for you, good friend! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

*So* stressed out, but great news: the deadline of my 8-page paper due Thursday, the same day as my physics lab final, is extended until 4/22 or anytime before. Yay! That seriously takes a huge load off of my shoulders this week - I already have a first draft, but not having to revise it certainly saves me a lot of time. Now, I must get cracking on studying for physics's gonna be a long night tonight. Which do you like best: charging by induction, conduction, or polarization?

Monday, April 12, 2004

Quick post: this weekend at home was fun. We ended up doing a lot of stuff in a short amount of time, even though there was no rock exhibit at Eastbrook Mall. Because it was an annual event in the late 80's and early 90's, my mom simply assumed it would still be there this Easter weekend - kind of a stretch, I know. Alas, no new micah or fool's gold to add to my collection this year :(

This week is literally going to be CRAZY for me. I can't even list all of my obligations/tests/papers in this little space and I assure you that I'm going to lose it If you don't see me or hear from me much this week, chalk it up to my hella busy schedule and nothing else. I'll be in between the Grad and Angell Hall all week, so feel free to drop by and visit. And bring a small chai.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Ahhh. Physics exam #3 is OVER. What more do I need to say? I went to bed past 3 this morning, got up a little past 7 and have been studying physics every second since last Friday. I think it went pretty well, which is always a better feeling walking out of an exam than the "why did I even bother studying?" feeling I used to get walking out of Orgo exams. We'll see tomorrow, I guess.

Today the University lecturers were on strike and were urging a campus wide walkout of class. I felt kind of ambivalent toward the strike today - I completely sympathize with their demands for a higher salary, better health coverage, and job security and I hate crossing the picket lines of exploited employees. I truly support the lecturers. However, I couldn't afford to miss a few of my classes today and unfortunately got heckled by the protestors when I was walking in to the MLB for Contemporary Novel. Being anti-confrontational to the point of sickness, my stomach definitely felt queasy before and after the incident in which I tried to briefly explain that I stood in solidarity with their cause but couldn't miss class. *sigh* Oh well...I know it's not personal, but it made me feel bad when they said that I wasn't making "an investment in my future." I hope they reach some sort of negotiation soon.

Tonight I'm just relaxing for a little while, perhaps doing some reading, and then hitting the hay early. Kings vs. Timberwolves is on right now to decide the best of the West...playoffs start next Saturday. Sweet. I'm heading back to G-Rap (Grand Rapids, for those of you not doooowwwn) tomorrow for the weekend. I'm excited because we're going to the Rock and Precious Stones exhibit at Eastbrook Mall. I know - doesn't quite sound exhilarating, but it really is fun and we always used to go Easter weekend when we were little. My mom took us practically every year to Eastbrook (that one rundown mall that everyone has in their town) and for a nominal fee, we were given empty egg cartons which we were allowed to fill with polished rocks and precious stones to our heart's content. We're going for old times' sake :) I'm looking forward to seeing my fam and my pup this weekend...and actually get some good food and laundry done (see previous post from 4/7). Now, it's time to watch basketball and forget all about quantum mechanics. Night!

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Quotes of the evening:

*while studying for big physics exam tomorrow...*

Me: I need a snack.
Josh: - pause - I need a miracle.

*on the phone with my cousin*

Shoma: Awwww! It's so CUTE that you're graduating college. You're just a baby!

As a quick addendum to my last post, I thought I'd mention in what an unforgivably precarious state my laundry is. I've actually been forced to wear rogue pairs of Christmas socks two days in a row now. Yesterday was Santa on the cuff, today, light pink with tiny, prancing Rudolphs. Very unlike me and very disappointing.

I went to bed last night with a wicked migraine and woke up this morning to the same. I had planned on getting up early and going to the library before my first class at noon but didn't make it because even rolling over on to my side to turn off the alarm sent a shooting pain through my head. Excedrin Migraine and lots of caffeine were my medicine today.

Nothing spectacular happened today although it was deliciously warm. Class until 4, Mastering Physics, studying at the Grad. I did see 3 middle-aged men in Amer's tonight with two very tall stacks of board games occupying chairs next to them intently role playing some sort of world domination with a roll of the dice. They had the rulebook out and everything and looked like they still had a ways to go tonight. Cute.

Physics exam day after tomorrow = no social life (or any other subject) until post-9:30 pm on Thursday night. Perhaps no weblog, either. Nighty night.

p.s. ~ who am I kidding with the no weblog? Of course weblog.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Unlike past words-of-the-day that I've posted (read: vulpine - of or relating to a fox), today's WOTD is actually reasonable. It is...

abstruse: (adj.) difficult to comprehend.

Example sentence ~ "For me, the visible spectrum and diffraction of light are a piece of cake, but I find special relativity unbelievably abstruse!"

There's the word of the day - really use it today! :D

Monday, April 05, 2004

Quote of the evening:

*phone conversation with my sister*

Me: Well...I should get going. I have to eat dinner.
Tanya: But it's 10:15.
Me: You know...the life of a student.
Tanya: Lookin' like a student, long hair wit' cha big, fat booty...
Me: Right.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I thought I'd take a quick, therapeutic, weblog-writing break...I've had enough of the sciences and need to do something a little humanities-themed. I've been at the Grad studying physics for the majority of he day and am feeling a little burnt out even though I got a ridiculously late start today according to Daylight Savings Time. I guess the studying is going okay...I'm just getting tired in general of the whole natural science study requirement in that you begin studying 7 days before your exam and work at least 5 hours every day on that subject. *sigh* I know I complain now, but in a few short weeks when I'm an official U of M alum, I'll be looking back fondly upon these nuances of college life. Reeeh, maybe not. Hehe.

Yesterday was Ann Arbor's Annual Hash Bash - for those of you not familiar with this popular springtime event, Hash Bash is A-squared's infamous and unabashed (no pun intended) celebration of cannabis. All sorts of people turn out for Hash Bash every year and simply walking around campus yesterday was amusing - everyone seems so relaaaaaaxed. Even though I studied inside all day at Amer's yesterday, the prevalence of tie-dye and hemp was still duly noted. Last night we ended up going out to Rick's. Our group was AJ, David, Josh, myself, Solomon, Solomon's girlfriend Liza, and AJ's friend Lamia. Luckily, it wasn't as crowded as last Saturday and the DJ didn't play closing time music (read: Bryan Adams' Summer of '69) at 12:25 again. I think everyone had fun. We've definitely decided that we're all going to go out at LEAST once a week from now until graduation, even if we can't "afford" it (time and/or money wise). In the end, spending time together is always worth it :)

Finally, Pistons won a huge game against Indiana today, 79-61. Unfortunately, I'm here at the library and didn't get to watch, but I'm *definitely* getting pumped for the playoffs. I love this game.

Alright, back to the books. Have a great evening, even though it feels like it should be about 4 pm. Later gators.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

For some reason, I have a weird obsession with Daylight Savings Time. I not quite sure me, there's something intriguing about the complete arbitrariness of time considering I'm such a schedule-freak. At any rate, I thought I'd take this opportunity and this forum to remind you that tonight (I guess early tomorrow morning) at 2 am is Daylight Savings Time so don't forget to *spring ahead* in anticipation of warmer weather and longer days! :)

Friday, April 02, 2004

So I fell off the wagon this week. Hard. I was so proud of myself for having had less than 15 Diet Cokes since the week before Spring Break (almost a month and a half ago!), but this week has been the end of me. I'm sad to say that I not only have had one DC a day this week, but in some cases, I actually had two. What's happening to me? I was doing so well! *sigh* I guess I'll just have to start over again - I just need a lot of support right now. Perhaps my pals buying me bubble tea and Stucchi's ice cream would keep my mind off of Diet Coke? Just a suggestion :)

I'm sitting in Angell Hall right now (yes, 9:30 on a Friday night) working on my British Empire Lit paper. I have so much physics studying to do tomorrow and Sunday that I have to get this paper out of the way tonight even though it's not due until Wednesday. I think I'll be done by the time The Fishbowl closes at 11:30 and then it's just reading until bedtime, which will be pretty early tonight since I'm still a little tired out from yesterday - I had such a long day with class 12-4, Mastering Physics from 4-6 and again from 9-10:30, a meeting from 6-9, and all of that interspersed with quick vists from my Dad and sister who were both incidentally but separately in Ann Arbor. Also, yesterday being April Fool's Day, I came home around 11pm to a very suspicious and nervous Sheila. Because I was yakking away to her and Josh, I didn't think anything of my mirror being turned around and figured I must have just been in a rush in the morning or something and knocked it around. It wasn't until Sheila's eyes kept darting suspiciously around my room while I was talking to her that I finally noticed that my room was topsy turvy and that she and AJ had pulled a "what's wrong with this picture?" prank on my bedroom as an April Fool's joke! It took me about 10 minutes to find all of the mix-ups, from switched books and picture frames to perhaps the worst of all - my wubby hidden. Anyone who knows me well is familiar with the lumpy, yellow pillow that I've slept with every night since I was about 4. Even though it didn't take me *too* long to find it, I'm not gonna lie and say that my heart didn't start beating a little more quickly when I noticed it was gone. Those kooky girls :) My sister pulled a fast one on two of her best friends yesterday telling them that John, her boyfriend of a few years, had proposed to her. She borrowed this pretty convincing fake diamond ring of AJ's (totally weird coincidence that AJ has a fake diamond engagement ring) and definitely had her friends going for a while even though Tanya is probably the last person in the world who I would expect to get married anytime soon. Even though she and John pulled a smooth acting job, Peggy and Christie didn't see the humor in it and were pretty mad - oops! :)

I guess that's about it. No Friday Five again this week...not even an update from last week :( Oh well. Have a good night - TGIF!